Keyword Diversification is More Than Long-Tails

When SEO's Talk About Keyword Diversification, They Mainly Fall Into 2 Camps: 

Those who focus on currently searched keywords and developing strong pages aimed at obtaining rankings for these keywords across a multitude of mid – and long-tails, and 

Those who seek to develop their own keywords and control the search market for them by being the pioneer.

Keyword Diversification is More Than Long-Tails

Why it has to be one or the other boggles my mind. 

For example, I understand that going after competitive keywords takes plenty of capital investment and time, and the results are up in the air as to where you may land depending on the competitive landscape. But, ignoring the current habits of searchers and their intent can ultimately lead to limited returns. If you don’t seek out those who are seeking you, you are missing out on potential business that already exists.

If your main keyword focus is “innovation”, then you absolutely can be the pioneer of a new search and dominate the market, but planning long-term for what this traffic can provide to you is highly speculative and variable. There also is no guarantee that this traffic is truly what you are looking for to do what you ultimately want them to do on your website, convert into revenue for your business.

Keyword diversification should be a healthy focus on both of these strategies. 

Having a consistent traffic stream from researched keywords allows you to take some risks and try some bold keyword research strategies for innovation. 

Think of it like a BCG growth-share matrix

Develop your site to rank highly for strong, consistent keywords (your “cash cows”), and use this traffic/revenue to fund strategies to gain new markets (your “question marks”). 

Inevitably, many of your “question marks” will fail or not live up to your expectations, but some of them may turn into your strongest “cash cows”.

Failing to focus on both of these strategies will open yourself up to being overtaken in search by more relevant and innovative businesses, but by focusing on this as an overall strategy, your website will increase its lifecycle and allow you to dominate the market for years to come.

Get more help from the eSage IT Digital Marketing Agency to know more.

Image SourceKeyword Tool


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